A system on chip (SoC) is a microcircuit that assimilates all or most of the components of a computer or other electronic system. It is also called a chip or IC. This component almost always includes a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output ports, and additional storage, often along with other components such as a radio modem and a graphics processing unit (GPU), all on a substrate or microchip. This may include digital, analog, mixed-signal, and sometimes frequency signal processing purposes. High-performance SoCs are often paired with dedicated and physically distinct memory and secondary storage chips, which will either sit on top of the SoC in what's called a packaged form (PoP) or are housed on the edge of the SoC.
Global System on Chip (SoC) Market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 8.15% over the forecast period.
Additionally, SoCs may use distinct wireless modems. SoCs are in difference to the common traditional motherboard-based PC architecture, which splits mechanisms based on function and connects them through a central interfacing circuit board. Whereas a motherboard houses and connects removable or replaceable components, SoCs integrate all of those components into a single microcircuit.
Website: https://www.tsmc.com/english
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited (TSMC) is a Taiwanese semiconductor contract design and manufacturing multinational founded in 1987, headquartered at 8, LiHsin Rd. 6, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan. It is the world's most valuable semiconductor company, the world's largest independent semiconductor foundry (pureplay). Specialties in the manufacture of chips for clients with process nodes from 2 micrometers to 5 nanometers.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited had nearly 45,000 Employees and had revenue of $ 36 Billion.
Website: https://www.broadcom.com/
Broadcom Inc. is an American global designer, developer, manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of semiconductor and infrastructure software products Company. Which was founded in 1961 and is headquartered at 1320 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, California, 95131, USA. Broadcom's product offering specialties serve the data center, network, software, band markets wide, wireless, storage and industrial.
Broadcom had nearly 21,000 Employees and had revenue of $ 23 Billion.
Website: https://www.qualcomm.com/
Qualcomm is an American multinational semiconductor company founded in 1985 and headquartered at 5775 Morehouse Dr., San Diego, California, 92121, USA. It manufactures semiconductors, software and services related to wireless technology. It holds important patents for the 5G, 4G, CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA, and WCDMA cellular standards. Qualcomm Also known for developing, manufacturing and marketing digital wireless communication devices.
Qualcomm had nearly 41,000 Employees and had revenue of $23 Billion.
Website: https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en.html
STMicroelectronics is a French-Italian multinational electronics and semiconductor manufacturer founded in 1987 and headquartered at 12 rue Jules Horowitz, B.P. 217, Grenoble, Auvergne RhôneAlpes, 38019, France. The company was formed in 1987 from the merger of two state-owned semiconductor companies: "Thomson Semiconducteurs" from France and "SGS Microelettronica" from Italy. Specialized in companies that design, develop, manufacture and market a wide range of semiconductors.
STMicroelectronics had nearly 45,554 Employees and had revenue of $ 9 Billion.
Website: https://www.nxp.com/
NXP Semiconductors N.V. is an American semiconductor manufacturer based in the Netherlands, founded in 1953, and based at High Tech Campus 60, Eindhoven, North Brabant, The Netherlands. Specialties in the sale of products in the markets of components of public services, industrial, commercial, transmission, and distribution. The company mainly operates in the fields of robotics, energy, heavy electrical equipment, and automation technology.
NXP Semiconductors had nearly 29,000 Employees and had revenue of $ 8 Billion.
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