Anti-Plagiarism Software Market is segmented into type, application and region. On the basis of type global Anti-Plagiarism Software market is segmented as Cloud-based and On-premise. On the basis of application global Anti-Plagiarism Software market is segmented into research institutions, academic institutions, network management and others.
Anti-Plagiarism Software Market is valued at USD 254.22 Million in 2018 and expected to reach USD 822.40 Million by 2025 with CAGR of 18.26% over the forecast period.
Market Analysis of Anti-Plagiarism Software-
Anti-plagiarism is software which used to detect plagiarism. Plagiarism can be found where documents are usually reported or it is in virtually any field, novels, scientific papers, art designs, and source code. Plagiarism detection can be done manually or by software. Manual based detection requires significant effort and excellent memory. Manual based detection is not possible to detect and compare too many documents at a time. The advent of anti-plagiarism software has made it possible to detect plagiarism easily in a short period of time.
The regions covered in this global anti-plagiarism software market report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. On the basis of country level, market of Blood Flow Detector is sub divided into U.S., Mexico, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, India, South East Asia, GCC, Africa, etc.
Major Players in global anti-plagiarism software market are,
A Cloud-Based Platform that Helps Organizations Protect Their Reputations by Detecting Plagiarism before Publication
iThenticate is a Cloud-Based Platform which is created by Turnitin and it helps in ensuring the originality of content in advance of publication. iThenticate compare submitted manuscripts with a robust database of existing content, including more than 45 billion web pages.
Increase in number of online assignment and project submission platforms are driving the Growth of Global Anti-Plagiarism Software Market
Due to corrective capacity and detecting plagiarism after assignment submission Plagiarism detection software is commonly employed. Online Anti-plagiarism software was adopted as a learning tool for students instead. Most of the anti-plagiarism tools developed so far have focused on analyzing the content of the final work submitted by students. The important universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton, have increasing competition and around half of the applicants employ the services of consultants to polish their essay applications. Due to this, Turnitin anti-plagiarism software is implemented in over 100 U.S. schools and universities. However, high cost, Limited Free Features are some restraining factor of the anti-plagiarism market. Technological advancement is the opportunity of the anti-plagiarism market.
North America, is dominating the anti-plagiarism market due to influence of online reading materials. Digitization of reading materials and increasing internet usage is becoming a negative academic phenomenon as students are more prone to copy the existing file, which is checked by antiplagarism software. To avoid the misuse of academic phenomena as a solution there is increasing use of anti-plagiarism software such as Turnitin and SafeAssign. For example, more than 400 universities in North America have purchased the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software. In North America due to wide publication of Scientific and technical journal articles, the use of antiplagiarism software is also increasing which helps the market to grow.
Europe is followed by North America Due to the published journals and increasing educational institute and invention of new anti-plagiarism software. Europe anti-plagiarism software market valued at USD 73.0 million in 2017. The Asia Pacific accounted for a significant share in 2018 and is expected to maintain share of antiplagiarism market during the analysis period.
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